The A-levels are subject-based qualifications leading to university, further study, training or work. For clarity on data collection, please navigate to DFE Website.
The dashboard presents AS-level and A-level students studying various subjects and their grades.
An understanding of AS and A-level subject and attainment levels over time will help to identify those subject areas where a geography has a specific strength and support future planning for subject areas that are less well represented. This can also aid forward projection of future attainment levels and workforce potential by geography.
- Source: Department for Education
- Timeline: 2023/24
- Last Updated: 16 November'25
- Note: This data is updated in line with Department for Education release dates (November'25).
- AS (Advanced Subsidiary) level: Simply refers to the first year of a full A-level. It is a qualification in its own right.
- A (Advanced) level: Studied across two years and grades are determined by final exam results at the end of year 13. AS level along with A2 level forms the complete A-levels.
- STEM subjects: Include students in the 1) Construction, Planning and the Built Environment, 2) Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, 3) Information and Communication Technologies and 4) Science and Mathematics sector subject areas.